Ancient Map for Modern Birth, Pam England and Virgina Bobro
Breastfeeding resources
Meaghan Burridge offers breastfeeding classes. Meaghan is a breastfeeding peer supporter and Breastfeeding Counsellor.
Le Leche League in St. John’s: encourages, promotes and provides mother-to-mother breastfeeding support and educational opportunities as an important contribution to the health of children, families and society
Mother Risk: information on drugs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
Dr. Jack Newman: Aim to empower parents by ensuring they receive the most up-to-date information to assist them with their breastfeeding baby. Resources to help to diagnose breastfeeding concerns, treat pain, milk supply issues, concerns around babies’ health as related to feeding, and help to prevent future problems.
Local Facebook Support and links:
Breastfeeding Support – Newfoundland and Labrador
Moms of Nursing Toddlers in NL
Natural Parenting Network NL
Cloth Diapering Parents – Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland Baby-Wearers
Birthside Boutique – https://www.facebook.com/birthside/
Birthing From Within www.birthingfromwithin.com
DONA International www.DONA.org
Spinning Babies www.spinningbabies.com
Doula Collective of NL www.doulacollectivenl.ca
Evidence-Based Birth www.evidencebasedbirth.com